Enquiry Form
The items marked with an asterisk '*' in the form alongside are required. Those are your Full Name, Email address, Address, Telephone Number and the Question you want to ask.
This form is suitable for making any enquiry, whether about a new booking, an existing booking, or any other matter.
The Booking Secretary, or one of the officers of the Marden House Centre, will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please telephone Graham Spencer on 07777 692615.
An Indication of our availability can be viewed using the DIARY & AVAILABILITY tab above under ENQUIRY.
The items marked with an asterisk '*' in the form alongside are required. Those are your Full Name, Email address, Address, Telephone Number and the Question you want to ask.
This form is suitable for making any enquiry, whether about a new booking, an existing booking, or any other matter.
The Booking Secretary, or one of the officers of the Marden House Centre, will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, please telephone Graham Spencer on 07777 692615.
An Indication of our availability can be viewed using the DIARY & AVAILABILITY tab above under ENQUIRY.